New biodegradable straws on the Saint Joseph’s College campus.
Saint Joseph’s College recently switched from plastic straws to biodegradable straws through an agreement between Student Government, the College’s Mission-Aligned Businesses, and Sustainable Enterprises. Student Government President Ray Mosca ’19 said, “In Student Government, our primary focus is ensuring the highest quality service to the student body in all aspects of campus life. Recognizing the critical role of sustainability on campus and in the greater community, we decided that switching to biodegradable straws combined our interests of promoting high quality service with improving our environmental impact. The Student Government Board recommended this change to the Director of Mission-Aligned Business and Sustainable Enterprises, and biodegradable straws were soon implemented into regular dining services operations. Across the country, companies such as Starbucks, Hyatt, and American Airlines have abandoned plastic straws to find more sustainable alternatives. We wanted to bring this national trend home to Saint Joseph’s, leading the way for colleges in Maine.”

Straw Made From Plants, ECO-PRODUCTS, 100% Compostable.