During this time of year in New England, nature speaks volumes and louder than any words.
Flowers that are resilient and burst through the snow or endure through a post-blossoming, surprise snowfall … what do they have to tell me?
When I witness these things and take time to listen to the wisdom of creation, what do I learn?
What do I learn about myself?
What do I learn about my brothers and sisters on the journey?
What do I learn about God?
What about the plants look like a pile of sticks and turn into a shower of blossoms?
Nature has so much to teach us and here in New England, with a deep experience of the four seasons and how they align with the liturgical seasons, we are sitting in the middle of an encyclopedia, a composite of all spiritualities, the Gospel, and an experience of the Living God!
This week, find five minutes to just stop and look around outside — watch a bud, leaf, branch, blade of grass, or a bird, squirrel, or chipmunk — and listen to what they have to teach or reveal to you about you, others, and God.
Nature speaks words of grace if we take the time to listen.
Sr. Kelly Connors, pm, teaches Canon Law for Saint Joseph’s College Online.